Monday, March 17, 2014

ETC Track & Field for Spring 2014

The Edmond Track Club is a competitive track/field club for K – 6TH grade
The E.T.C. is sanctioned by the USATF

*The spring session is track/field with all the events involved
*All meets are held at Edmond North High School Track:
215 West Danforth in Edmond, OK--the track is located
behind (to the north of) the school on the east side.
*Every Saturday Registration begins at 12:00 p.m. and competition starts at 1:00 p.m.
*The Edmond Track Club director is Kent Douglas, head track/field coach
at Edmond North High School
(405) 229-5711 or
*The club’s website is

*Here is the meet schedule:
*Note, we will not have an orientation this year.

Saturday 4/5 1:00 p.m. – meet @ ENHS Track

Saturday 4/12 1:00 p.m. – meet @ ENHS Track

Saturday 4/19 1:00 p.m. – meet @ ENHS Track

Saturday 4/26 1:00 p.m. – meet @ ENHS Track

*Each athlete must bring a copy of birth certificate.
Register up to 4 events at a cost of $10 per meet.
We will notify you of changes to the existing schedule
(due to unpredictable weather conditions or
changes to HS athletic schedules) via our website
and Twitter @EdmondTrackClub.  Please email us
@ requesting the non-
member application form.  This will allow you to
print it, complete it, and bring to the meet
reducing the line at registration on meet days.

Order of Events remain the same for every meet...
Division I (DI) -- through 2nd grade
Division II (DII) -- 3rd & 4th grade
Division III (DIII) -- 5th & 6th grade

Running Events...
4 x 100 meter relay                     DI, DII, DIII
50 meter run                                DI
800 meter run                              DI, DII, DIII
100 meter dash                            DI, DII, DIII
400 meter dash                            DI, DII, DIII
200 meter dash                            DI, DII, DIII
1600 meter run                            DI, DII, DIII
4 x 400 meter relay                     DI, DII, DIII

Following the completion of all running events, field events will take place simultaneously.
Standing Long Jump                    DI, DII, DIII
Softball Throw                             DI, DII, DIII
High Jump                                    DIII

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Do you know of a summer track club for girls in the area? We are in Lynnwood. Thanks!
